
Key Milestones and what's in store is a progressive web app with the latest tech, optimized for both web and mobile platforms for accessibility. Developed from the ground up using enterprise-grade solutions and blood sweat and tears, it offers a secure and scalable experience for our players. Our commitment to improvement is continuous, with regular updates and new features introduced each season. These enhancements are guided by our internal product roadmap and will be influenced by feedback and requests from our community.

To achieve our mission of accelerating chess as an esport and enabling players to share in the upside, we first had to establish the pillars of fair play. This involved undertaking a mammoth effort in R&D to build a scalable cloud-based platform with fair play at its core. The development of the core platform, including the Sixth-i Anti-cheat system (v1), is now complete, and Checkmate is ready to begin opening the platform to gather real world player feedback.

As we gear up for Season One, we're entering an exciting phase where we'll begin to release and test features, gathering invaluable player feedback. Your input during this time will be crucial in shaping the future of

New Kid on the Block: Let's Get Real

Chess champs, we're fresh out of the gate, and Murphy's Law is eyeing us:

โ€ข Expect some players to poke our anti-cheat. (Bring it on!) โ€ข Sixth-i's smart, but green. Help it to level up. โ€ข Spot a fishy move? Don't be shy, give us a nudge.

No sugar-coating here - building fair play central won't be without its speed bumps. But with you on board, we'll turn early snags into a cheat-proof fortress.

Alpha Platform Release

Expect some turbulence โ€“ we're still fine-tuning this bird. Hotfixes and maintenance pit stops will be required. We'll keep you informed of any changes or downtime.

During this phase, we'll be:

  • Releasing features for community testing

  • Running test tournaments with loot up for grabs

  • Gathering and implementing player feedback

  • Continuously improving the platform based on real-world usage

  • Preparing for a smooth transition to our full release

Sweeps and Ban Waves

Heads up, speed demons! As the new kid on the block, we're expecting some mischief-makers to test our defences.

Here's the deal:

โ€ข We know banned players from other platforms might try their luck here.

โ€ข Expect some speed bumps as we kick things off and Sixth-i flexes its muscles.

โ€ข We'll be doing regular retrospective sweeps and ban waves to keep things fair.

Remember, just because you got away with it once, doesn't mean you're in the clear. Our Sixth-i Co-pilot is always watching, always learning, and always evolving. Play fair, or don't play at all!

Feature Release and timeline





  • Play computer

  • Play AI

  • Play a mate

  • Social Hub v1

  • Sixth-i Anti-cheat

  • FIDE ID Sync

  • Arbiter Mode

  • Tournament Engine

  • In-platform video

  • Play testing

  • Federation play


  • Free Mint

  • Community tournaments


  • Battle Mode

  • Ladders and Leagues

  • Squad Play

  • UI Upgrade

  • Broadcast Mode

  • Competitive calendar released

  • Alpha Play

  • Pre-season


  • Alpha Sale

  • Alpha Play


Arcade and Pro Season One

Seasonal Content Updates

  • Battle Passes: Refreshed each season with new content, challenges, and rewards, keeping the platform engaging and up-to-date.

Arcade Pass

  • Duration: A structured ten-week season.

  • Tournaments: Includes daily, weekly, and monthly competitions, culminating in a season final.

Pro Mode

  • Extended Offerings: Besides the structured season of the Arcade Pass, Pro Mode introduces prol tournaments, special events, and rated tournaments catering to competitive players.

Ecosystem partners

In September, Checkmate Live will be releasing details about its participation token and sister project that will extend its utility for holders.

Drop Schedule

Last updated