Playtester Ts&Cs

Please see below the terms and conditions of the Checkmate Live Playtester programme. These terms should be read in conjunction with our Pre-Release Agreement and Terms of Service.

Introduction of Services

Welcome to Checkmate Live. The platform is currently in the Play Testing stages, designed for testing and feedback. The services provided during these stages ("Alpha Services" and "Testing Services") are intended for testing and evaluation purposes only.

Acceptance of Terms

By using the Checkmate Live platform during these testing phases, you acknowledge and agree to these Terms and Conditions. Participation is voluntary and users are encouraged to actively engage with the platform to identify potential improvements.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

As a play tester, you agree not to share screenshots of the platform or stream, share login codes or test addresses during the testing phase. Public comments about the platform's features or experiences without prior consent from Checkmate Live are also prohibited.

In-game Currency and DLC Issued for testing purposes only and will not carry over to the live version of Checkmate Live.

Prohibited Financial Transactions Users should not enter their credit card details or make any purchases of in-game currency during the play testing phase. Play testers will be issued in-game currency for testing purposes; these credits are not redeemable in the live version of Checkmate Live. If a user makes a purchase of in-game currency, they accept full liability for this purchase.

Redemption of Prizes Prizes awarded during the testing phase will be redeemable only in the live version and should not be redeemed until the platform transitions from UAT to live production.

Public Release Information Play testers should be aware that the public release date will be clearly advertised. Features currently in the play testing version may not be available at the time of public release. The inclusion of any feature in the final version is at the sole discretion of Checkmate Live, based on testing feedback and development progress

Age and Territory Restrictions If a service is restricted based on age or territory, Checkmate Live will exchange the nominal value of the restricted service for in-game currency. It is the responsibility of the play tester to ensure they understand the restrictions of each service before participating.

Data Handling and Risk of Loss

Due to the nature of the testing environment within a closed ecosystem, all user data generated during the Alpha phases may be reset or lost when transitioning to live production. Checkmate Live is not liable for any loss, deletion, or corruption of data during these phases. Users should be prepared for potential data resets when the platform shifts from testing to live production.

Changes and Discontinuation of Services

Checkmate Live reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any part of the Services at any time without notice. This may include major adjustments to features, services, and the user interface.

No Liability for Early Access Services

Checkmate Live disclaims all liability for any harm, loss, or damage arising from the use of the platform during the play testing phases, including issues related to data integrity, service functionality, or personal data exposure.

Feedback and Contribution

User feedback is highly valued and essential for the development of Checkmate Live. Users are encouraged to report any issues, suggestions, or comments through the designated feedback channels.

Promotional Codes and Prizes

Promotional codes and prizes offered during these phases are intended for the public release. These are non-exchangeable for cash or other compensation and must be redeemed within the specific terms outlined at issuance. Once redeemed, they are considered fully utilised regardless of the extent of use.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolutions

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. All disputes arising under these terms will be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration, conducted in English, in New South Wales.

Amendment of Terms

Checkmate Live reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes through their registered email or via notification on the platform dashboard.

Last updated