
Understand Checkmate's allowlist system for federations. Learn how to join, benefits of being allowlisted, and its impact on tournament participation.

Q1: How we get 10 x invites for the Inner Circle invites?

Email the 10 parties' contact details to, and we will send an invite to them directly. Please provide their full name, relationship to the federation and email address. Your federation must register first and be approved.

Q1: How do we submit wallet addresses for the pre-sale allowlist?

Step 1: Collect the Ethereum wallet addresses of your 25 federation members. Ensure each member provides their correct and current Ethereum wallet address.

Step 2: Access the Wallet Submission Form provided in your Federation Kit. This form is designed for secure and efficient data submission.

Step 3: Enter the required information for each member in the form. This will typically include the member's name and their Ethereum wallet address.

Step 4: Review the data for accuracy before submitting. Ensure all wallet addresses are correctly entered and correspond to the right members.

Step 5: Submit the form once all data has been entered. You should receive a confirmation on the screen and/or an email confirming the successful submission of the information.

Q2: What is the deadline for submitting wallet addresses?

Please submit the wallet addresses by [Insert Deadline Date]. It's crucial to adhere to this deadline to ensure your federation's allocation in the pre-sale.

Q3: How secure is the Wallet Submission Form?

The Wallet Submission Form in your Federation Kit is designed with security in mind. We ensure that all submitted data is encrypted and handled with utmost confidentiality.

Q4: How will I know if my submission was successful?

After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation. We will also notify you once the wallet addresses have been successfully integrated into our allowlist system.

Q5: What if I encounter issues or have questions during submission?

If you face any challenges or have any inquiries during the submission process, please refer to the support contact provided in your Federation Kit, or contact us directly at [Insert Contact Information].

Last updated